1. go to https://my.fantel.com.au and login using your account number and password.
2. Click on the SEND CODE button. If you do not have a mobile number set in your account for the OTP code, then please contact our customer service number on 02 8332 3030.
3. Enter the One Time Password (OTP) Code that was sent to you mobile and click the SUBMIT button.
4. Then wait for a few moments before being directed to your dashboard.
5. If you have a business phone system, please goto step 6.
Otherwise, click on VoIP tab, then Usage History tab and select the FROM: month and click the Search button.
6. To check your business phone system call history, click on VoIP tab, then Cloud PBX tabl and then the Login to Phone Console button.
7. Once directed to the VoIP Console. Click on Status from the left sidebar menu and then click on Call History. Click on the Start date: to select the start date and then click on the Filter button.
8. Once you've finished checking. Make sure that you logout by click on the person icon on the top right and click on Logout.
This concludes the how to check your call history article.